Thursday, December 30, 2010


Lutherans have long admired Martin Luther's ability to capitalize on the new technology of his day (i.e. the printing press) to communicate with people. This is a practice we need to continue!

Here is something new for those of you who like the new technology of the Smartphones using a Droid, Blackberry, or iPhone. Call on Faith is a new all-video "app" just released by Odyssey, a non-profit organization comprised of over 50 members representing America's major denominations.  The ELCA is one of Odyssey's oldest members.

Call on Faith currently is offering short videos to inspire, encourage, and inform. There are sections on prayer, wise words, compassionate acts, meditations, and more. I just spent a few minutes listening to Desmond Tutu talking about the difficult but essential task of reconciliation, a harpist discussing her music ministry to hospitalized patients, and a young lawyer talking about her efforts to improve an impoverished area of Dallas.

Call on Faith is available for $3.99 or less (I got it for free!) in the app stores of the various smartphone providers.

-- Nancy Agafitei, based on an article in Seeds for the Parish

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hosanna is on FACEBOOK!

Hosanna Lutheran Church Hosanna now has its own page on Facebook. Because more than 25 people "like" us, we now officially have our very own URL (computer address) to make it easier to find our page! Thanks to all of you who helped us to reach this threshhold.

You can go directly to our page by typing this in your address bar:   

(All lowercase letters will work too!)

Check our Facebook page regularly for event updates and to participate in discussions. Currently, we would like your input on what you think are Hosanna's greatest strengths. This is part of our process as we begin to talk about our core values.

-- Susanne Meier

Sunday, November 28, 2010


As we learned in today's children's sermon, Advent is indeed a season of waiting.  So, if you have been patiently waiting for the answer to how many Lutherans it takes to pick out and cut down a Christmas tree, well wait no more.  Members of the Spiritual Life Team and their families discovered that it takes exactly 21 members - including one baby Fontenot, one measuring stick, one saw, one rugged stroller, several newfound friends from IHN, and some determination.  Thanks for the memories and to all those who joined in the fun!

Click here to see more images!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Christmas is approaching, a time when we recognize special people with a gift.  Again this year, we are collecting monies for a gift to our staff members who have served us through the past year.
Please place your gift in an envelope marked “Staff Christmas Gift” and place it in the offering.
                                    Thank you
-- Posted By the Staff Support Team


Friday, November 12, 2010


Has it been a while since you’ve cut down a real honest-to-goodness Christmas tree?  Well, here’s your chance!  Members of the Spiritual Life Team and their families will gather at the Old Time Christmas Tree Farm, located near the corner of Stuebner Airline and Spring-Cypress Road, on Saturday, November 27 at 3 pm to do just that.  We’ll be seeking the ideal tree for Hosanna’s sanctuary during the season of Advent. 
So, come out and join us for an afternoon of old-fashioned fun, including a wagon ride, tree selection, tree cutting, and post-cutting food and drink fresh from the farm’s concession stand.  Not to mention, there’s a “train” for young and old, a small carnival including rides and games, and plenty of chances to take the family picture for your 2010 Christmas card.  Needless to say, this is a good opportunity for fun and fellowship with members of Hosanna and Nueva Vision.  No need to bring anything other than a spirit-filled heart and an eye for the right tree.  See you on November 27, down on the farm!
The Spiritual Life Team

P.S. - How many Lutherans does it take to pick out a Christmas tree?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


You say, "Of course. Christ is in my home, in my heart, and in my life." However, I am referring to the little book or devotional that is free to us all quarterly. It's just a little book but it has huge GRACE bound with it. You can find it inside the north entrance to Hosanna, on the bottom shelf of the table at the door to the hallway. The title is "Christ in Our Home."

Do you often find yourself not quite having the time for meaningful prayer? I personally, as a disciple, try to live my life in prayer, ever mindful of "things" around me -- grass, bugs, sky, moon, people -- and ever thankful for each. But there is always a need for structured prayer, and that is often where I fall short. So what does this have to do with a booklet? Here is how I use it:

Often, either in a.m. or p.m. prayer, I seem to have trouble addressing God. How do I start my prayer? My mind wanders, and I get off track. Oh, well! But THEN I open my little devotional book, turn to the day and date, and it leads me to a conversation with my best friend. There I find direction, scripture, food for prayer, and wisdom. 

Thank you, little book!  You are my devotional, and my entrance to meaningful prayer.

Submitted by -- A Disciple of Hosanna

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NAM news

Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) is a nonprofit, community-based, multi-program social service agency that strives to supply basic human needs through neighbors helping neighbors.

Hosanna was one of NAM's 10 Covenant Congregations who agreed in 1983 to set aside their theological differences and pool their resources in a manner to better serve community needs. In addition to Hosanna, NAM's founding congregations include St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, Northwoods Presbyterian Church, John Wesley United Methodist Church, Kinsmen Lutheran Church, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Congregation Jewish Community North, Wildewood Baptist Church, Cypress Creek Christian Church, Klein United Methodist Church, and Plymouth United Church (U.C.C.).

NAM's Congregational Advisory Council meets quarterly. Its last meeting was 10-25-10. You can go to NAM's website for additional info, to review data from the 2009 fiscal year, and to learn about volunteer opportunities.

The foods wish list for Thanksgiving is also found on NAM's website. Here are a few wishes: TURKEYS, instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables and fruits, macaroni and cheese, canned cranberry jelly, jello, pudding and so forth.  Food is needed throughout the year, but especially at holiday times. Bring your donations to the food pantry at Hosanna, and they will be delivered to NAM. Thanks for your help.

The holiday toy bags have now arrived at Hosanna. If you are able, please take a bag, and purchase suggested items for the age/sex of the child listed on the outside of the bag.  Put your unwrapped gifts inside the bag, and return it to Hosanna no later than 12-5-10 to allow time for NAM to sort and distribute to the needy. The goal this year is to provide toys for 3000 children.

Submitted by Lois Heckart, Care Team Member

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Reformation Story in a 3-Minute Music Video

It's a few days late, but you can still celebrate Reformation Day by watching this  video on Martin Luther, sung by the Bangles to the tune of "Manic Monday." It include clips from the movie "Martin Luther" starring Joseph Fiennes.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


On October 23, Hosanna was alive with music, games, candy, costumes, conversation, fun, and food. LOTS OF FOOD. Much of it provided by our friends of Nueva Vision church. It is 100% certain that no one went away hungry from this event.

Children were excited by the moonwalk, popcorn, snow cones, games and trunks full of candy. A parade was a highlight of the evening, with skeletons, princesses, cats, ninjas, and more.

Oh, and we can't forget the Good Witch of the South, Hosanna's own Barbara Dejmal, who was the hostess with the mostest, making all feel welcome.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Pastor Kerry Nelson is the Director of Evangelism for our synod. He writes a weekly message called  Mission Possible Network that  always addresses interesting topics. This week he talked about  three factors that he believes motivates positive change in congregations:
  1. Inspiration  These are “whispers from the Holy Spirit” or excitement generated by the passion of a leader or new insights given in prayer.
  2. Education    Gaining a fresh perspective and a new kind of action/strategy from hearing the voice of experience, from continuing education events, from reading books, etc.
  3. Desperation   The jumping off point where it becomes crystal clear that, if anything is going to change, something has to change.
I feel that all three of these factors are at work at Hosanna and are actively motivating us to make positive changes as a congregation.

Let me know what you think. Click in the "Comment" box below and share your thoughts.

-- Nancy Agafitei, President

To receive the Mission Possible newsletter by e-mail, click here.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The new Mission Focus team kicked off its new "team" year with Pastor John, President Nancy Agafitei, Betty and Richard Dove, Lois Heckart, Dorothy Hohenshelt, Jeff Jackowski, and team leader Pat Gibbons in attendance.

To watch the Mission Focus Introduction that this group saw at the meeting, click on this link. (Click on the double arrow at the bottom right of the slides to advance through the slideshow. You might have to install the free Microsoft Silverlight program on your computer to view it. After the show ends, use the back arrow of your browser to return to this blog.)

The disciples who attended the first meeting were asked to be part of the team to build the Hosanna Mission Focus long-term plan. We would like a diverse group to give us input so please feel free to attend the upcoming meetings at anytime. They will be posted on the Hosanna calendar on the website.
This team is not an exclusive group and we invite anyone who wants to dream and build our future to feel free to participate at any time.  All of us at some point will be asked for thoughts and assistance. The only requirement is that “you can dream” and “you want Hosanna to be a major presence in our community in future years doing God’s work”.
Hosanna has a significant foundation already in Mission, so we will be looking at the future of Mission Focus. The Mission Focus Team will review:
·      what we do
·      how we do it
·      other possibilities based on the needs of our congregation and our community
·      other ways to accomplish missions and
·      ways to access resources to accomplish these missions.
God is the driver and we will be listening through prayer.
One of the suggestions from this presentation was to learn more about what each team is doing and who are members of these teams. We want to begin with a better understanding of where we are now. We will be asking Team Leaders to present details about what is currently happening and their plans.
The next meeting will be Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 11:30am in the conference room at Hosanna. We will review our existing Mission Statement before we begin to develop more action-oriented Core Values for Hosanna’s future.
-- Pat Gibbons, Mission Focus Team Leader


Saturday, October 2, 2010


Good fellowship was the order of the day as Bob and Nerisa McConnell celebrated their 70th birthdays at Hosanna with over 100 family members and friends. Bob has worked with the Men of Hosanna, and has played important roles in the construction, care, and financing of Hosanna's facilities. Nerisa has been a strong contributor  to the Hosanna Care team. As an avid reader, she is a regular participant in the Hosanna Book Club. Both Nerisa and Bob helped to start some of Hosanna's traditional celebrations, like the Advent Workshop and the Texas Thanksgiving party. Happy Birthday and many more to these faithful servants!

Friday, September 24, 2010


The Three Expressions of the ELCA

We are one church with three expressions — a churchwide national organization headquartered in Chicago, 65 synods throughout the country, and a network of nearly 10,500 congregations.

Each of these three interdependent parts works together to form the ELCA.

The average congregation gives the Synod between 3-5% of their local offerings.

The Synods keep 50% of what they receive from congregations, and forward the remaining 50% to the ELCA churchwide organization.

-- Patricia Gibbons, Mission Focus Team Leader


If you did not have a chance to view the live town hall meeting with ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson on Sept. 19, 2010, you can now watch the video. Click here. Unrehearsed questions came in from ELCA members all across the country, and the Bishop handled all very respectfully and did a fine job of responding.

Friday, September 17, 2010


This Sunday, 9/19/2010 at 4:00 pm there is an exciting opportunity to engage with Bishop Hanson and ELCA members from across the country at a live online town hall meeting.

Participating is easy:

  • Watch the event live online from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Central Time at

  • Log in to ask a question.

  • View open captioning if you wish.
If you've ever wondered what’s on the minds of other ELCA members
 ... if you have a question for Bishop Hanson
... and especially if you care about the ELCA and its mission
please listen and watch this event on Sunday afternoon, September 19.


In case you missed Nita Auer's retirement celebration on August 29 , here is the video that was shown at the party:

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hosanna belongs to the TX-LA Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a network of 126 Lutheran congregations. Today pastors and members from those congregations met at Zion Lutheran in the Heights for a Leadership Gathering. As the incoming President of Hosanna I attended, as did Pastor Boldt, incoming Vice President Pat Gibbons, Cantor Gay Zimmerman, and our organist, Sister Anna Marie Flusche.

I learned a lot, and came away enthused and inspired. Now I know the simple but powerful mission statement of the synod:
Biship Mike Rinehart addresses synod leaders at Zion Lutheran

How does the synod leadership intend to do this? They seek to equip congregations by equipping congregational leaders. This gathering was an example of that. What vision do the synod leaders have? What do they hope things will look like if we make disciples? Our 126 churches will be a network of growing, Christ-centered, outwardly focused congregations passing on the faith to the next generations.

We will be doing our part at Hosanna, with Pastor Boldt's Sunday class on Discipleship starting this week at 9:00am. Don't miss it!

Nancy Agafitei

Monday, August 30, 2010


All outgoing, continuing, and incoming members of the Hosanna Congregation Council joined together in a retreat on Saturday, August 29, 2010. It was a Spirit-filled occasion as the participants shared their frustrations, hopes, and dreams for the future of Hosanna. It has set a wonderful tone for our next steps into the future, seeking to fulfill the mission of the church: "Growing to Serve and Praise the Living Christ."

One of the recommendations that came out of the session was to work at increasing the number of ways that the council communicates with the congregation. This blog is a step in that direction. You can also communicate back to the council by commenting on the posts that appear here.

Get to the blog through the Hosanna website, by typing in in your address bar, or by signing up as a "follower" of this blog.

Various council members will share this forum to keep you up to date and make it easy for you to get involved wherever the Spirit is calling you. We are waiting to hear from you!

-- Nancy Agafitei, Incoming Council President