Sunday, October 24, 2010


Pastor Kerry Nelson is the Director of Evangelism for our synod. He writes a weekly message called  Mission Possible Network that  always addresses interesting topics. This week he talked about  three factors that he believes motivates positive change in congregations:
  1. Inspiration  These are “whispers from the Holy Spirit” or excitement generated by the passion of a leader or new insights given in prayer.
  2. Education    Gaining a fresh perspective and a new kind of action/strategy from hearing the voice of experience, from continuing education events, from reading books, etc.
  3. Desperation   The jumping off point where it becomes crystal clear that, if anything is going to change, something has to change.
I feel that all three of these factors are at work at Hosanna and are actively motivating us to make positive changes as a congregation.

Let me know what you think. Click in the "Comment" box below and share your thoughts.

-- Nancy Agafitei, President

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