Sunday, October 3, 2010


The new Mission Focus team kicked off its new "team" year with Pastor John, President Nancy Agafitei, Betty and Richard Dove, Lois Heckart, Dorothy Hohenshelt, Jeff Jackowski, and team leader Pat Gibbons in attendance.

To watch the Mission Focus Introduction that this group saw at the meeting, click on this link. (Click on the double arrow at the bottom right of the slides to advance through the slideshow. You might have to install the free Microsoft Silverlight program on your computer to view it. After the show ends, use the back arrow of your browser to return to this blog.)

The disciples who attended the first meeting were asked to be part of the team to build the Hosanna Mission Focus long-term plan. We would like a diverse group to give us input so please feel free to attend the upcoming meetings at anytime. They will be posted on the Hosanna calendar on the website.
This team is not an exclusive group and we invite anyone who wants to dream and build our future to feel free to participate at any time.  All of us at some point will be asked for thoughts and assistance. The only requirement is that “you can dream” and “you want Hosanna to be a major presence in our community in future years doing God’s work”.
Hosanna has a significant foundation already in Mission, so we will be looking at the future of Mission Focus. The Mission Focus Team will review:
·      what we do
·      how we do it
·      other possibilities based on the needs of our congregation and our community
·      other ways to accomplish missions and
·      ways to access resources to accomplish these missions.
God is the driver and we will be listening through prayer.
One of the suggestions from this presentation was to learn more about what each team is doing and who are members of these teams. We want to begin with a better understanding of where we are now. We will be asking Team Leaders to present details about what is currently happening and their plans.
The next meeting will be Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 11:30am in the conference room at Hosanna. We will review our existing Mission Statement before we begin to develop more action-oriented Core Values for Hosanna’s future.
-- Pat Gibbons, Mission Focus Team Leader

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