Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sunday, February 13, was a glorious day at Hosanna! In case you were not able to be there, here are some of the things that you missed:

Ten beautiful hand-made quilts were blessed to be a blessing to future recipients.

Five new members were welcomed into ministry with us: Ron and Darlene Lindquist, Josh Roszak, and Susheela Beteet and her son William.

It was the "duty and delight" of members to submit covenant cards indicating commitments of $205,560 toward Hosanna's ministry in 2011! [Cards not submitted today can be mailed to the church office. See John Gabrielson if still need one.]

A delicious luncheon was offered by the Stewardship Team chaired by Jeff Hartmann, enhanced by the hospitality skills of Connie and Jeff Chestnut, Jan Dietzmann, Valerie Oden and others.

Ron and Heda Christ, with the technical help of Dale Bargmann, shared stories and photos from their two-year mission to Botswana. What a Spirit-filled adventure!

And these were just the highlights! Good News abounds at Hosanna!

-- Nancy Agafitei, President

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