Sunday, September 25, 2011


God has spoken through the people of Hosanna, and we selected a purpose statement during the worship service on September 18:

Serving God, Changing Lives -- 365.

Although this purpose is "new," looking back over Hosanna's history shows us that God has been leading Hosanna in this direction for many years.

            The original mission statement when the congregation began in 1976 was: Our mission as a congregation is to be a vehicle through which God carries on his work in the world and in which he confronts people in every age. We are the Body of Christ, proclaiming the Gospel and engaging in his mission to the world which includes fellowship, education, and service of mankind.

            Revision and updating of the mission statement was done in 1995: As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Hosanna’s mission is to be the body of Christ in our community and throughout the world, spreading the Good News of the Gospel, and showing our love for God through worship, education, fellowship, and service.

           When the congregation decided to do a major building program in 1999, the theme we chose for the capital campaign was "Growing to Serve."

           Major changes were made to Hosanna's leadership structure in 2002, with a reorganization plan called "God's Servants, Working Together." The new mission statement adopted at that time was: As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Hosanna’s mission is to grow to serve and praise the living Christ.

           Hosanna's Congregation Council has always had either a Christian Service Committee or a Care Team as part of its structure. The congregation has been searching for a way to reach out and impact our community through our service. The new purpose statement pulls this all together. Through our service, we will change lives -- our own lives and the lives of those in our community and beyond. The addition of the "365" adds our commitment to do this every day of the year, in our families, in our volunteering, in our schools, and in our worklife.

           If you haven't noticed it before, pay attention to the sign over the door the next time you leave the worship space. It has been there for several years, and it says "We go to serve." This is literally "a sign" that the Spirit has led us to discern God's purpose for Hosanna.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


During our small group sessions, 56 potential purpose statements for Hosanna were put forward for discussion. The Mission Focus Team and the Congregation Council has chosen three of these as best meeting the criteria we outlined at the start of this process. These three are:
  • 1) Walk with Jesus. Live God's word.
  • 2) Loving God and loving our neighbors.
  • 3) Serving God, changing lives -- 365.
Whether you were able to take part in one of our 18 small groups or not, we want you to help us discern God's purpose for Hosanna at our worship service on September 18. Please be there to prayerfully help us move on to the next step in our life together. Following the service, we will celebrate with some refreshments and have a brief congregational meeting.

-- Nancy Agafitei, President


This summer Pastor John received some e-mails from a teacher at Eickenroht Elementary in the Spring ISD, asking for Hosanna's support for the primarily low income students enrolled there. This school is just 1.5 miles south of Hosanna on Ella.

Principal Robbie Green
 On August 27, a group of Hosanna members met with this teacher and with her principal, Robbie Green. Together we explored ways that our congregation could make a difference at this school. A fuller report on that visit will be printed in the September issue of the "Backyard" which will soon be online. Be sure to check it out. There are lots of great suggestions about ways that we can be involved. One of them should fit your schedule and your special gifts.