Sunday, January 23, 2011


Now is the perfect time to keep your New Year's Resolution that you will grow as a disciple in 2011! The adult Sunday School class is beginning a new series based on "The Lutheran Handbook." The cover of this book shows a winking Martin Luther. This image combines the serious, formal scholarship that was Luther's life work, with the humor and lightheartedness that characterized his personality.

This course will teach you how to respond when someone sits in your pew; how to survive the service if the AC goes out; and what to bring to a church potluck (by region of the U.S.). Of course, along the way you will also learn a few other important things, like how to defend your faith against attack, how to forgive someone, and how to be saved.

Come and see! It's 9:00-9:50am in Classroom 5.

-- Sue Loudermilk, Class Facilitator

Friday, January 14, 2011


Join us Sunday after the worship service to celebrate our past year of congregational life together, and to do the business we need to move into the future. We will
  • Receive the annual reports from all of our ministry teams, support teams, officers, and staff
  • Approve our spending estimates for 2011
  • Elect delegates to represent Hosanna at the Synod Assembly in Galveston in May
  • Welcome home Ron and Heda Christ from their mission service in Botswana
See you there!

-- Nancy Agafitei, President